I may have a problem. I am watching Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the third time in about two weeks. To be fair, this is the first time seeing it from the very beginning, and yet I’ve reached the part I’ve seen twice before and I’m still watching.
I just can’t get over how well it holds up. It is, undeniably, the best Star Trek movie ever made. It’s one of the best science fiction movies ever made. I had a conversation with my friend, Eugene, the other night about what makes it great. I never know what I like best – the submarine-like ship battles, Khan himself, or the kind of easy and palpable relationship between Kirk, Spock and Bones.
I watched the end of the movie a couple of weeks ago with my mother. When it comes to the part where Spock is dying and saying goodbye, she said something like, “I bet a lot of men cried when they watched this the first time.” It’s one of my favorite man-tear moments ever.
God, I hope JJ Abrams’ new movie has something of Khan in it. But I have sincere doubts about that.