- This morning I am trying to launch a rocket ship with unleaded fuel. Only I am the rocket ship. And the fuel is this weak coffee. I’ll n … #
- He’brew Jewbelation 12 beer is perhaps one of the best beers I’ve tasted recently. Tonight I shall drink it again. Try it if you can. #
- Link to previously mentioned beer – http://www.shmaltz.com/HEBREW/index.html. Dark and extremely flavorful with a generous alcohol content. #
- It’s a limited release, so drink it while you can. Have I mentioned that I love beer? #
- Caffeine is slowly penetrating my brain. I feel awake and human once more. How long that lasts is anyone’s guess, though. #
- I’ll finally work on my post-apoc.blog series this weekend. I think the thoughts are coming together. Amazing what sleep-depro will do. #
- Where’s the fast forward button? On the plus side, today is more surreal than alarming. So far… #
- Dalek Xmas Tree – http://tinyurl.com/3n9j8y #
- Beer is a drink from the gods. And while Demeter prob rules it I think the beer I’m drinking now is the province of Hades. #
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