I’m usually not one for resolutions. Even when I used to make them, I would keep them to myself. But I learned last year that sometimes stating a goal out loud helps the brain to prioritize it better. That by proclaiming your intent to the world that maybe, just maybe, you might be more likely to achieve that goal, and if not, at least you’ll come closer than if you keep it to yourself unsaid.
At Clarion West, Chuck Palahniuk had us all do that, to state writing goals to one another, and to keep doing that on a regular basis. He related that of the people in his writing workshop, those that stated goals went on to much greater success than those who didn’t.
So here, in no particular order, are my resolutions/goals for this year:
– I will set aside some time every day for writing. At least twenty minutes a day, though the overall goal is more.
– I will get back to an exercise routine, but focusing on things I can do at any time (without access to a gym, for example). This may include running, but will definitely include situps, pushups, and handheld weight work.
– I will spend more time on music. And record my songs. I commit to a goal of recording one song a month. That’s practically an album’s worth by the end of the year.
– I will be better about external responsibilities (I took on a lot of new tasks last year – many of them web-related and I’m mostly referring to these – blogging, articles, editorial tasks, etc.) If I can’t fit it into my schedule, I’ll turn it down.
– I will say NO more often. Not committing to something is often better than committing and not being able to follow through.
– I will devote less attention to other people’s successes and failures (which doesn’t mean I won’t celebrate the success of friends and loved ones, but mostly that I will be less envious and covetous).
– I will be more honest.
– I will not listen to my fears.
– I will write another novel in 2009
More to come as they take shape.