- Feeling a bit more like myself today. More than I have in a little while. That’s promising… #
- Today might be a White Album kind of day. #
- I’m waiting to talk about Lost today. Not in an urgent way. But I always appreciate the insights of others. Not “Others”. #
- Hurray! Lost discussion on Tor.com: http://tinyurl.com/cjhz6c #
- @edenrobins I had no idea there was such a thing. Is it creamy? #
- @therinth Awesome. That’s a great story. #
- I’m done with Inspector Lestrade for the time being. Which is something of a relief. #
- Put the finishing touches on a story and an article on my lunch break. So far off to a productive start. #
- I love that Barcade not only lists their current drafts, but they also link to the beeradvocate reviews: http://www.barcadebrooklyn.com/ #
- I’m considering starting a beer journal. Keep notes on styles and tastes of various kinds. One of my pocket moleskines, perhaps. #
- I love that @DemetriMartin and @arjbarker are on Twitter. #
- @doctorow Congrats! #
- After perusing the beer list, I’m ready for a nice porter or stout. It’s making me salivate. #
- @jimboweb You can do it. It will go quickly. #
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