- Beer at Vol de Nuit this evening was great. And their frites were as good as promised. #
- I contemplated giving up coffee yesterday. Today that seems like a dream. Being up this early should be the deviation, not the norm. #
- For any U2 fans out there, how is the new album? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? #
- Kindle iPhone app is an interesting prospect. And it could get me to buy more books without worrying about finding space for them. I’m a … #
- @chriscallan I have no idea what they have available. I won’t be able to check it out until I get home tonight, but I’ll take a look. #
- #beer Corsendonk brown ale: despite a 7.5% ABV it was amazingly drinkable. Nice foamy head. Malt character and sweetness in the finish. #
- @Shineanthology How do you feel about the Maredsous 8 (assuming you’ve had it)? #
- Wow. Being a contractor really sucks. I’m happy to have a job, but being treated like a second class citizen gets old fast. #
- Today is a good day for people who read on their iPhones – the Kindle app and the free Random House downloads for Stanza. #
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