- My coffee this morning is delicious #
- Just found out my reading of Jeffrey Ford’s The Annals of Eelin-Ok is up at Podcastle: http://tinyurl.com/dyj876 #
- I have a sudden craving for Buffalo wings. #
- I have no idea when or where it is, but my brain isn’t all here this week. #
- @johnklima RT @NyBarflyGot a cough? Try this recipe for Maker’s Mark cough syrup. Let’s all get sick: http://tinyurl.com/dhdgxr #
- I fucking love online submissions. Theres nothing better than finishing revisions on a story & being able to send it out while still excited #
- My lunch has entirely too much mayonnaise in it. But I’m going to eat it anyway. #
- @tdelucci I’ll be zoey if you want. I haven’t been her yet. #
- @pablod Only out of game? #
- @pablod what’s your Xbox gamertag? #
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