- @pabod no worries – I just realized I didn’t have it. #
- I believe I forgot to mention my dream from the other night where I was on an eating tour of NY with Mario Batali and Anthony Bourdain. #
- Holy crap, I want this table:http://dornob.com/brilliant-blood-red-glossy-art-table-design/ #
- RT to clarify URL: http://tinyurl.com/bfjgvm #
- It’s eerily quiet at work today. #
- So the Zelda train game is for the DS, not the Wii. Still pretty cool. #
- @johnjosephadams Did ANYONE like Dr. Pulaski? I wish she’d fallen down an elevator shaft like her LA Law character did. #
- @ecmyers I never saw it like that. I saw it as much more dismissive. And the fact that she refused to say his name right really bugged me. #
- @dogfishbeer enjoying Midas touch @ barcade. Too many great choices on the list, not enough liver. #
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