I’ve been thinking about email today. Like most people I know, my main email account is a Gmail account. Like many people I know, I have one address that’s just devoted to online accounts and anything where I’m expecting spam. I have a Yahoo account. I have a Hotmail account. I have a handful of other accounts littering the virtual floor.
So I’m in the process of reorganizing the way I use email. I’m planning to ditch the atrocious Hotmail, and possibly Yahoo as well. I’m currently trying to figure out what I need. I’ll still need a “spam” email and I’ll keep my personal one. But I’m wondering if I should have other dedicated accounts. Is it worth keeping separate accounts separate (which I can keep up with both on my phone and my desktop)? Or is it preferable to fold everything into one Gmail interface and have one place to go to read everything?
How do other people handle this? I’m interested in hearing other work practices.