It may seem a bit late for a recap of last year, but I’ve been meaning to do one for a while now and I think there’s use to be had from such an exercise. Besides, yesterday was my birthday and that always felt like a more personal milestone in judging accomplishments and goals.
Last year was a mixed bag in many ways. On a personal level, it was a year filled with heartbreaking events for the people closest to me. Additionally, it was the year I lost my job and had to learn to deal with being unemployed for the first time in my life. On all of those levels, 2011 was disappointing.
On the other hand, a lot of great things happened last year. I moved into a new apartment in Harlem with N. Eight of my friends got married in four weddings.
On the writing front, I only had one publication last year (“Holes”) and one sale (The Last Gorgon to Beneath Ceaseless Skies). Looking back on that, it felt like too little. However, most of my writing effort last year went into my middle grade novel. And considering that my agent was happy with revisions and it went out on submission shortly before the holidays, I suppose I can live with my output.
As for 2012, I am looking forward it to being a year of change, not only on the personal front (I’m hoping I’ll find a job I’m happy with this year), but also on the professional front. It was brought to my attention by my fine writing group, Altered Fluid, that I was retreading a lot of old ground when it came to my writing. So I’ve committed to avoiding the familiar and easy when it comes to writing, and trying new things, pushing the boundaries of what I do. I may fail, but I’d rather fail spectacularly at something new than fail with something old and boring.
So, here’s to a great 2012 (and my 39th year of being alive). I wish you all success and happiness (and a distinct lack of apocalypses).
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