For those of you who have been around for a little while, you’ll know that I started a podcast back in 2017 with Devin Poore called Spirited Discourse. It’s a simple premise — we get together with fellow creatives or fellow geeks and talk over drinks and record it. After a long absence after our first season, we’re back with Season 2 of the podcast. Two episodes have already gone up, episode 1 with Theresa Delucci where we discuss Game of Thrones (pre-season 8), Red Dead Redemption 2, and The Haunting of Hill House television show (among other things), and episode 2 with Trevor Quachri, editor of ANALOG SCIENCE FICTION & FACT to discuss Avengers: Endgame. The podcasts are available on iTunes, Stitcher, and most other podcast outlets including our website.
I’m really excited about our upcoming guests which include N. K. Jemisin, Scott Andrews, and Mercurio D. Rivera.
In addition to co-hosting a podcast, I have also appeared a few times recently on the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. Most recently I joined Dave Kirtley, Sara Lynn Michener, and Chris Cevasco to discuss the indie SF film Prospect starring Pedro Pascal (of Narcos and Game of Thrones).
Earlier this year, I also joined Dave, Sara, and Matthew Kressel to discuss Series 11 of Doctor Who (with Jodie Whittaker).
And late last year, on the same podcast, I discussed the Netflix miniseries, Maniac, with Dave, Chandler Klang Smith, and Matthew Kressel as well.
So, if you feel the need to hear my voice, you have plenty of options to choose from.
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