- Packed my computer for Thanksgiving with the ‘rents -remembered the cord this time and the USB stick, but forgot the real SD in the eee pc. #
- Currently I need an ending for one thing, a plot for another, and the wherewithal to actually see them both through. #
- What is a good way to kill massive amounts of zombies without an excessive setup? #
- Damn my easily distracted nature. I didn’t get 2 talk 2 a lot of people I wanted to at the SFWA reception. They should do one every month. #
- I am in charge of the alcohol for tomorrow, so I’m thinking along the lines of a microbrew stout or something in the Belgian style. #
- That is in addition to wine and champagne. #
- Fuck me, what the hell is going on in Mumbai now? #
- reading #mumbai is surreal – realtime reports, but it’s also heartbreaking #
- I can’t tear myself away from the news from Mumbai, what little there is of it. #mumbai seems the most useful. #
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