- I am bad at so social planning. Horrendous. #
- @jimboweb That’s fine with me. As long as it’s okay with everyone else. I think Eden was planning to be local today anyway. #
- @chrisbillett One of my friends ran into her inadvertently. Joss Whedon, too. But he didn’t know who she was… #
- Today feels like a lazy day, but I have to get my ass in gear and get stuff done before tonight’s activities… #
- @shunn Yes, sir. Watchmen. I’ve been captured by the hype… #
- @tdelucci Glad you got the DLC. Looking into plans now. You should come out, though. GTA will be there tomorrow… #
- @tdelucci @jimboweb Ott in Greenpoint at 715 if you want dinner. Otherwise drinks after at place TBD #
- Missed Dollhouse last night. By missed, I mean I forgot to DVR it. Must track it down somehow. Is it on Hulu? #
- Yes! It is on Hulu. Score. #
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