- @Mikespins The EEE you mean? I have one. It’s awesome. #
- @Mikespins I have the first one they put out. It’s a real computer, though it’s not the most powerful. Mine has linux but most have windows #
- Why am I watching TLC and a pregnancy show? Time for some DVR watching… #
- Got another rejection today, but another nice one. My post-apocalyptic story was too post-apocalyptic. #
- @ecmyers I got an unexpected surprise in a snow day today. Hurray@ #
- @ecmyers I’d say so. #
- I am frittering my day away #
- If you live in NYC and have any recommendations for pubs with decent beer lists, let me know. I’m looking to try some new places. #
- Ginger Man is already on the list (love that place), as is Barcade. #
- And Jimmy’s No. 43 #
- Only remarkable beer from the Gettysburg trip was the Roy Pitz Smoked Lager from nearby Chamersburg PA. Website names it Ludwig’s Revenge. #
- The smokiness was evident in taste, though it was an easy drinking beer with a light quality that went well with food. Dry, but enjoyable. #
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