Rubber Rooms

A few months ago, a teacher friend of mine (hi, Jim) introduced me to the concept of “rubber rooms”. Now this article from Yahoo News explains and talks about them. I find the concept fascinating. And because I might steal from this idea for a story in the future, I’m parking it here.

Nestle Recalls Cookie Dough

I found this Washington Post article to be fascinating, especially after seeing Food Inc. a couple of weeks ago. I’m used to seeing meat contamination, and more recently spinach and other vegetables (most likely from the runoff of feed lots where cows walk around in their own feces), but cookie dough IS an unlikely suspect. The good news is that the government is finally moving to increase their regulatory power in the food industry. While this is bad news, particularly for those infected with e.coli, I hope that it helps push through the legislation needed to ensure that the industry is regulated. There’s something wrong when the USDA knows that there is e. coli-contaminated beef sitting on store shelves and can’t do anything about it (for that particular example – see Food Inc.).

Sponsor me in the Clarion West Write-a-thon

This year I am participating in the Clarion West Write-a-thon. Starting on June 21, I’ve committed to finishing a story a week to parallel what the current class will be doing in Seattle. My goal is to raise a minimum of $100 for Clarion West, though more is always acceptable. The workshop gave a lot to me, both in improving my writing and in introducing me to some really amazing people and experiences and so I’m happy to give a little back in this way.

Please, if you can, sponsor me in the write-a-thon to help me meet my goal. Or, if you’d prefer, sponsor one of the other amazing writers taking part. Anything helps. Five dollars if you can manage it. One dollar, if that’s more your speed. Think of it as an investment in future entertainment.

For anyone who sponsors me, I’d be happy to send you a copy of the completed stories (or novel chapters) to look at when they’re done.


Piece on Outshine

My short Twitter poem-ish piece just went up on Outshine. This is my first time trying something like this, but I was happy with the way it turned out. The idea was to try to come up with something that was near-future and optimistic SF, and that also fit into 140 characters or less. What will likely be my highest paying (per word at least) gig.


I’ve been thinking about email today. Like most people I know, my main email account is a Gmail account. Like many people I know, I have one address that’s just devoted to online accounts and anything where I’m expecting spam. I have a Yahoo account. I have a Hotmail account. I have a handful of other accounts littering the virtual floor.

So I’m in the process of reorganizing the way I use email. I’m planning to ditch the atrocious Hotmail, and possibly Yahoo as well. I’m currently trying to figure out what I need. I’ll still need a “spam” email and I’ll keep my personal one. But I’m wondering if I should have other dedicated accounts. Is it worth keeping separate accounts separate (which I can keep up with both on my phone and my desktop)? Or is it preferable to fold everything into one Gmail interface and have one place to go to read everything?

How do other people handle this? I’m interested in hearing other work practices.

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Raining Fire – Out now!

Raining Fire, the third and final book in the Ben Gold series, was released on July 18, 2017. This book concludes the story begun in Falling Sky and Rising Tide. Publisher’s Weekly said, “Khanna wraps up his postapocalyptic adventure series with a capable page-turner…the airships, slavers, cannibalistic Ferals, and visceral action scenes make this a worthy culmination to the series.”

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble now.

Rising Tide -Out now!

Rising Tide, the sequel to Falling Sky, was released on October 6, 2015. Publisher's Weekly said, "Khanna crafts a terrifyingly dismal picture of the future, raising the stakes by gradually stripping Ben of friends and support while throwing him into increasingly dire situations. His worldbuilding remains solid and unsettling, and he never loses sight of the human element. The cliffhanger ending is sure to leave readers on the edges of their seats, panting for resolution."

Falling Sky – Out now!

Falling Sky, my first novel, came out October 7, 2014 from Pyr. It's an adventure story set in a post-apocalyptic future with airships. Publisher's Weekly called it a "solid and memorable debut" while Library Journal gave it a starred review and named it Debut of the Month. For more information, please click here.

Upcoming Events

Worldcon 77 — Dublin, Ireland, August 15-19, 2019

Milford Writers Festival — Milford, PA, September 20-22, 2019

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