- @papertyger I kinda like it, too. #
- This has been a weird weekend. Not completely unproductive, but not as productive as I’d have liked. #
- @ecmyers You’re playing? We need to play online. #
- @ecmyers I’m about to go to bed, but maybe later this week? #
- Could this be the week that I develop better working habits? Lots of projects to get off the ground, lots to do. #
- @dogfishbeer I’ll be at Barcade in NY. #
- Does anyone want to read an approx 700 word story thing from me and let me know if it works? I suck at flash fiction #
- Why do some of the tweets in my list sometimes disappear? #
- Ginger Man at 5/530 on a Monday is not bad. Plenty of room. #
- @Jimboweb did you withdraw your tweet? I left by the time I saw it. If you changed your mind don’t worry. #
- @pablod I am jealous. #
- @ecmyers I almost feel like we’re the minority. But I think we’re looking at “story” more critically. #
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