- Gah. I need to talk about lost now. #
- Still can’t find my thumb drive and the panic is starting to set in. The latest draft of a revised story is on there. And future articles. #
- @thejordache I am right there with you. Everyone was talking about how nice it would be this weekend and skipped over how cold it is now. #
- @johnjosephadams Just some panels on the business and, for example, writing for video games and other multimedia projects. Things like that. #
- For someone who grew up in NJ, I sometimes can’t stand being here… #
- Last night I was down near Coney Island and they had Baltika No. 6 in the bodegas there so I picked up two bottles. Score. #
- My latest theory for the errant thumb drive is the cats knocked it off the table and batted it around and under something. #
- Today is likely to be a heavy day of tweets for me. Just giving fair warning. #
- It is so cold in my office today. I feel like I need gloves. #
- I would like to one day write a song as mournful as Eleanor Rigby. Though it won’t have George Martin’s arrangements. #
- @levarburton Good luck, sir. #
- In an odd turn of events, Paul Draper, former lead singer of Mansun, is now my friend on Facebook. #
- my ipod seems to like In Rainbows today, both the main album and the 2nd disc. #
- @lvdpal No love for the vest? #
- @thejordache I DVR it, though Friday night will be late for me. So maybe Saturday morning? #
- NY people – I am having a birthday thing tomorrow night at Arctica Bar at 10 PM. Come by if you want: http://www.arcticabar.com/ #
- @chriscallan I did. I checked the pockets of all the pants I own. I have to clean tonight, so maybe I’ll uncover it. #
- So…for a birthday dinner tonight, should I go to Otto? Or the Spotted Pig? #
- Having Casino Royale’s director in charge of the Green Lantern movie gives me some hope that it could be good. #
- Since today is my ‘Friday’ I went casual (yes, we have casual Fridays here). I wonder if anyone will care. #
- Rajan Khanna, upping the banality of Twitter posts in an effort to stave off boredom and brain death. #
- @lvdpal That would be fun, too. But I’m enjoying wearing jeans today. It’s far more comfy and when I go out later I won’t look like a dweeb. #
- I should clarify that my birthday is tomorrow, but I’m starting to celebrate tonight (because of NYCC tomorrow). #
- I think that my brain is transitioning into novel writing mode. New short stories don’t seem to fire me up much, but novel ideas do. #
- @shunn It’s in the lead. The gelato alone gave it a significant edge. #
- When I was younger, birthdays were all about the presents. Now, it’s all about spending time with friends. #
- @ecmyers No Comicon? Quitter. #
- Source of NY maple syrup smell revealed: http://tinyurl.com/cjrm8s #
- I was hoping for a more interesting explanation. I still like the idea of a hole opening up into a maple syrup dimension… #
- @jimboweb No presents are necessary. Just presence. Homophonic. #
- @shunn Nice! I am going to try to see them in NY, but not sure I’ll get tix. I’ve seen them twice already, though, so I can’t complain. #
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