2009 Resolutions

I’m usually not one for resolutions. Even when I used to make them, I would keep them to myself. But I learned last year that sometimes stating a goal out loud helps the brain to prioritize it better. That by proclaiming your intent to the world that maybe, just maybe, you might be more likely to achieve that goal, and if not, at least you’ll come closer than if you keep it to yourself unsaid.

At Clarion West, Chuck Palahniuk had us all do that, to state writing goals to one another, and to keep doing that on a regular basis. He related that of the people in his writing workshop, those that stated goals went on to much greater success than those who didn’t.

So here, in no particular order, are my resolutions/goals for this year:

– I will set aside some time every day for writing. At least twenty minutes a day, though the overall goal is more.

– I will get back to an exercise routine, but focusing on things I can do at any time (without access to a gym, for example). This may include running, but will definitely include situps, pushups, and handheld weight work.

– I will spend more time on music. And record my songs. I commit to a goal of recording one song a month. That’s practically an album’s worth by the end of the year.

– I will be better about external responsibilities (I took on a lot of new tasks last year – many of them web-related and I’m mostly referring to these – blogging, articles, editorial tasks, etc.) If I can’t fit it into my schedule, I’ll turn it down.

– I will say NO more often. Not committing to something is often better than committing and not being able to follow through.

– I will devote less attention to other people’s successes and failures (which doesn’t mean I won’t celebrate the success of friends and loved ones, but mostly that I will be less envious and covetous).

– I will be more honest.

– I will not listen to my fears.

– I will write another novel in 2009

More to come as they take shape.

Twitter Updates for 2009-01-17
  • I have to catch up on the BSG webisodes #
  • One unfortunate side effect of watching all the BSG webisodes at once is you have to watch the commercial for Rise of the Lycans every time. #
  • Done with the webisodes and caught up. Now dinner and then satisfaction. #
  • I suck at Joomla #
  • Um. Okay. I…I wasn’t expecting any of that. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-16
  • Want to discuss Gene Wolfe’s Book of The New Sun and beyond? Http://genewolfebookclub.com #
  • I am cautiously feeling back on track. Just in time for the weekend. And tonight? BSG! #
  • @jimboweb dude those have been around forever. At least 5 years. #

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Shadow of the Torturer

I’ve been re-reading the first book in Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun as part of the Gene Wolfe Solar Cycle Book Club. I read Shadow of the Torturer and its sequel some years back and it was heady, dense stuff. I remember wanting a break before tackling the latter two books in the sequence. And never got around to them.

Then John Klima started the message board and I had an excuse to go back through the first two so that I can head on over to the next and then those after it. At the rate of one book a month it’s a pace I can handle.

A few thoughts on re-reading the first book:

While I was a bit lost on the first read through in places (not lost so much as bombarded by such a detailed and strange world that it was difficult to always know where you were) this one is much nicer and easier. I’m able to appreciate the language more and the unfamiliar terms and what they mean aren’t the distraction they were before.

I’ve been reading a chapter at a time when I can and each one is like a square of incredibly rich dark chocolate. Sweet and complex and satisfying. Just one will do, though there’s nothing to stop you from having more.

This time so far is a pure joy. I wonder how much is the experience I have with the world and characters and how much is me being a closer and more careful reader.

I know some people who have read some of Wolfe and didn’t like him. I can’t claim that was my experience, but I wonder if such people would have a change of heart on re-reading him.

I’m looking forward to the coming discussion.

Twitter Updates for 2009-01-15
  • This year’s motto is “Fear is the mind-killer” #
  • It strikes me as interesting that this latest illness is like a “greatest hits” of the illnesses of last year. Thankfully quicker, though. #
  • Back to work today. Through the sub-freezing weather. I wish telecommuting was the norm these days as my body would appreciate it. #
  • My life gets more ludicrous every day. #
  • Watching the First Doctor on DVD. Of distracts from my labored breathing. #

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Raining Fire – Out now!

Raining Fire, the third and final book in the Ben Gold series, was released on July 18, 2017. This book concludes the story begun in Falling Sky and Rising Tide. Publisher’s Weekly said, “Khanna wraps up his postapocalyptic adventure series with a capable page-turner…the airships, slavers, cannibalistic Ferals, and visceral action scenes make this a worthy culmination to the series.”

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble now.

Rising Tide -Out now!

Rising Tide, the sequel to Falling Sky, was released on October 6, 2015. Publisher's Weekly said, "Khanna crafts a terrifyingly dismal picture of the future, raising the stakes by gradually stripping Ben of friends and support while throwing him into increasingly dire situations. His worldbuilding remains solid and unsettling, and he never loses sight of the human element. The cliffhanger ending is sure to leave readers on the edges of their seats, panting for resolution."

Falling Sky – Out now!

Falling Sky, my first novel, came out October 7, 2014 from Pyr. It's an adventure story set in a post-apocalyptic future with airships. Publisher's Weekly called it a "solid and memorable debut" while Library Journal gave it a starred review and named it Debut of the Month. For more information, please click here.

Upcoming Events

Worldcon 77 — Dublin, Ireland, August 15-19, 2019

Milford Writers Festival — Milford, PA, September 20-22, 2019

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