Twitter Updates for 2008-11-28
  • @johnjosephadams Seriously? I have a big problem with John Travolta #
  • Time to head back to NYC. Must be productive today. #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-11-27
  • #mumbai My thoughts are with everyone in Mumbai. I hope things turn peaceful soon. #
  • @erinsometimes I saw that. Highlight of the parade. #
  • Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. #
  • @chrisbillett Yes, beer definitely. I should have some time off then. #

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Twitter Updates for 2008-11-26
  • Packed my computer for Thanksgiving with the ‘rents -remembered the cord this time and the USB stick, but forgot the real SD in the eee pc. #
  • Currently I need an ending for one thing, a plot for another, and the wherewithal to actually see them both through. #
  • What is a good way to kill massive amounts of zombies without an excessive setup? #
  • Damn my easily distracted nature. I didn’t get 2 talk 2 a lot of people I wanted to at the SFWA reception. They should do one every month. #
  • I am in charge of the alcohol for tomorrow, so I’m thinking along the lines of a microbrew stout or something in the Belgian style. #
  • That is in addition to wine and champagne. #
  • Fuck me, what the hell is going on in Mumbai now? #
  • reading #mumbai is surreal – realtime reports, but it’s also heartbreaking #
  • I can’t tear myself away from the news from Mumbai, what little there is of it. #mumbai seems the most useful. #

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I’ve been glued to the computer and television since learning about the attacks in Mumbai around 2 PM this afternoon. It’s such a sad state of affairs. Being half-Indian, I suppose it matters more to me – even moreso since I visited last year and reconnected to that side of my heritage. But I’m still a little disappointed to see so little mention of it in certain places on the web. I know people are distracted with Thanksgiving and it doesn’t have the same personal connection for them, but it still seems a little skewed. I feel that an attack in the US or Britain or even Western Europe would have attracted far more attention. But it’s just the brown people, in a region that has seen this kind of trouble many times before. Why should that attract any special attention?

The exception to all of this has been Twitter. I’ve only recently begun experimenting with this service, moreso now that my blogging is blocked by work (and I can twitter by phone). But I soon realized that Twitter was the way to get updates about this crisis. People in the area are Twittering and passing along helpful information and even CNN said early on that Twitter was the best way to stay up to date on what was going on (#mumbai for those who are interested).

But it’s been nice to see the outpouring of support and the proliferation of information such as places to call for missing family members and support for blood drives and so on. People may bash Twitter, and the frequent examples of it that we see, but I will appreciate it for the good I’ve seen it do.

This post is likely maudlin as its been a long day of watching news reports and tracking the situation via Twitter and elsewhere on the web, but I hope that this situation is resolved soon (it still seems far off) and everyone who is still alive finds safety.

That is something I would be thankful for.

Twitter Updates for 2008-11-25
  • Vacation can’t come soon enough. #
  • Last night’s SFWA reception was very enjoyable. Good to see the folks who were there. #
  • @ecmyers I didn’t get enough sleep either. Zzzzzzzz #

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Raining Fire – Out now!

Raining Fire, the third and final book in the Ben Gold series, was released on July 18, 2017. This book concludes the story begun in Falling Sky and Rising Tide. Publisher’s Weekly said, “Khanna wraps up his postapocalyptic adventure series with a capable page-turner…the airships, slavers, cannibalistic Ferals, and visceral action scenes make this a worthy culmination to the series.”

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble now.

Rising Tide -Out now!

Rising Tide, the sequel to Falling Sky, was released on October 6, 2015. Publisher's Weekly said, "Khanna crafts a terrifyingly dismal picture of the future, raising the stakes by gradually stripping Ben of friends and support while throwing him into increasingly dire situations. His worldbuilding remains solid and unsettling, and he never loses sight of the human element. The cliffhanger ending is sure to leave readers on the edges of their seats, panting for resolution."

Falling Sky – Out now!

Falling Sky, my first novel, came out October 7, 2014 from Pyr. It's an adventure story set in a post-apocalyptic future with airships. Publisher's Weekly called it a "solid and memorable debut" while Library Journal gave it a starred review and named it Debut of the Month. For more information, please click here.

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